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Tuesday February 18, 2025 home schedule get involved links photo gallery about contact site map
America Cinema
Art Made Easy
City Council Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday, Monthly
Community Bulletin
Croatian Magazine
Echoes of India
Falun Gong
In the Fight
In the Light
Iranian Christian Church
Jazz; Cardio, Strength, Stretch
Kapowich on Real Estate
Mood India
NASA's Destination Tomorrow
Never Give Up
New Tang Dynasty TV
On The Move
On the Town
Planning Commission Meeting, 2nd and 4th Wednesday, Monthly
Reference Point
Saratoga Highlights
Saratoga Highlights
Square Dance Live
Supreme Master Ching Hai
Swara Lahari (8:30am not 9:00am)
TalkinTravel with Ruth and Rich
The Better Part
The Car Guy Channel
You're Hired

Show: America Cinema

America Cinema is a series on film history.

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Show: Art Made Easy
Producer: Walfrido Garcia
Genre: Arts / Entertainment / Instructional

Coming from the beautiful state of Hawaii, award-winning television show, Art Made Easy, proves to be a most enjoyable show for all ages. Host and painter, Walfrido Garcia, delivers various instructionals in creating your own works of art. In addition to programming on KSAR15, the show currently airs on the island?s many public access channels.
The show has won "Best Arts Program" twice in its first two years of production. With the show?s art inspiration and educational purpose, Art Made Easy demonstrates techniques for all to learn and apply. You will be inspired and amazed with the final product?s vibrancy and color, and want to paint and create one for yourself to display at home.

Check out our website!

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Show: Breakthrough
Genre: Baptist

Breakthrough with Church on the Rock's weekly services.

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Show: City Council Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday, Monthly
Genre: Government Meetings, City of Saratoga

Live television coverage of City Council Meeting deliberations.

SCHEDULE: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Will air on KSAR15 the following Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 p.m.

VHS and DVD Copies of the meetings are available at the Saratoga City Library for ?check out? at no cost. Copies are available for a limited time period - ?2 weeks? after the meetings have transpired.

Check out our website!

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Show: Community Bulletin
Producer: KSAR15
Genre: Community Announcement

The Community Bulletin Board is a local televised community page, which announces events within Saratoga and across the Silicon Valley. It informs viewers of various organizations, news and concerns that may affect the local community in any way.

From emergency contact information, local school information to community events!

The community bulletin board serves the residents of Saratoga by informing.

Information can be submitted to the station for postings. Forms are available on this website and can be returned to:
KSAR15, Saratoga Community Access TV
14000 Fruitvale Avenue
Saratoga, CA 95070

You can also call the office for a faxed copy of the form. Once the form is filled out, it should be mailed or faxed back to the station.

Click here to get a printable copy of the form.

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Show: Croatian Magazine
Producer: Ante Jakovcecic
Genre: Cultural / Ethnic Diversity

To see a sample video click on the picture

This 1/2 hour show explores the cultural diversity within Croatian world! Experience Croatian customs and traditions documented in history.

* Croatian Customs and Traditions
* Croatian Folk Dancing and Music
* Croatian History
* Croatian Historical Sites and Tourist Resorts and Attractions
* Croatian Popular Music and Singers
* Croatian Cooking Specialties

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Show: Echoes of India
Producer: Al Singhal
Genre: Cultural/Ethnic Diversity

To see a sample video click on the picture

Echoes of India, a television show in production since 1993, is one of the longest running community based programs. Our mission is to serve communities by presenting a glimpse of India?s rich culture and heritage. The show is also recognized by the California Arts Council.

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Show: Falun Gong
Producer: Lin Liu
Genre: Cultural: Informational

To see a sample video click on the picture

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an ancient practice for mind and body that originated in China. The practice involves some slow, gentle movements and a meditation. It is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice. A central component of Falun Gong practice is studying the higher principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Falun Gong is practiced by people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, in over 40 countries worldwide. Practitioners lead normal lives and participate actively in their communities. The practice is an individual choice and is centered on the improvement of one?s self.

On the week of November 18 ? 24, 2000, Stan Bogosian, Mayor of the City of Saratoga and on behalf of the City Council, proclaimed Falun Dafa Week.

Check out our website!

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Show: Gita
Producer: Pat Taylor
Genre: Religious/Inspirational

To see a sample video click on the picture

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a highly respected Spiritual Master from Vrindaban, India, is the founder of the International Society of Divine Love and Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, Barsana Dham, in Austin, Texas. His speeches on the Gita explain how the teachings of the Gita apply to each and every person of the world. These teachings are universal truths that remain the same throughout all the ages on this earth planet because God and His path of attainment are eternal.

The knowledge of the Gita was revealed for the good of humankind more than 5,000 years ago in ancient India. One of Hinduism?s main Divine scriptures, the Gita is the short and simplified essence of the Upanishads (Vedas), condensed into 700 versus in simple Sanskrit language. The knowledge of the Gita is available today in its original form--without any alterations--as it is eternal truth protected by God Himself. In his series of Gita speeches, Shree Swamiji reveals the essence of this universal knowledge in his crystal clear explanations of the Bhagvad Gita, the beautiful song of God. To contact the producer's, send email to: pat.taylor@gilfix.com

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Show: Healthtalk
Producer: Gloria Wu
Genre: Informational / Talk Show; Health and Medical Emphasis

Join Gloria Wu and her guests to talk about various medical conditions and procedures.

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Show: In the Fight

Showcases the latest action from the field, including stories from soldiers about soildiers, and events that are happening everyday on the front lines.

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Show: In the Light
Producer: BlueBox Productions
Genre: Inspirational

Inner Light Ministries is an independent religious non-profit organization founded in 1997 by Rev. Deborah L. Johnson. We are an Omnifaith outreach ministry dedicated to healing individual and collective consciousness through the energy of love and the revealing of our own inner light. With Oneness as our principle tenet, we teach the practical application of Universal Spiritual Principles to all of life's circumstances.

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Show: Iranian Christian Church
Producer: Kamil Navai
Genre: Religious/Inspirational: Ethnic Diversity

Iranian Christian Church is based upon a variety of topics and ways to present its message. Through church sermons, music videos, concerts, and other entertainment, this show offers original pieces that will allow you and your family a new learning experience.

Check out our website!

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Show: Jazz; Cardio, Strength, Stretch
Producer: Jazzercise
Genre: Fitness

A powerfully fun and effective workout that will lift your spirits and strengthen your heart, muscles and core. You'll get a healthy dose of cardio, strength and stretch moves and finish up feeling energized and refreshed.

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Show: Kapowich on Real Estate
Producer: Pat Kapowich
Genre: Talk Show/Informational: Real Estate Emphasis

To see a sample video click on the picture

Take a look into the world of Silicon Valley Real Estate, as producer and host Pat Kapowich, explores the fun to the legalities in buying, renting and selling property. Each show features guest interviews ranging in talks on his/her specialty in real estate. Silicon Valley Real Estate opens the unspoken gap between realtors and the uninformed buyer and seller. The show gives the truths and facts, some of which you may already know, but many of what you would be surprised to know.

Check out our website!

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Show: Mood India
Producer: Anita Sathe
Genre: Cultural Entertainment

Bay area musicians perform live Indian music and the culture of India is explored in this program.

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Show: NASA's Destination Tomorrow
Producer: Mike Bibbo, Kevin Krigsvold
Genre: Informational/Aeronautics

Bringing outer space into your home, Destination Tomorrow enthralls the entire family with images and commentary about the mysteries and adventures of NASA. The show uncovers more amazing facts about our complex world and universe, as well as the developments NASA has created in machinery, science, and technology.

Check out our website!

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Show: Never Give Up
Producer: Richard Pugh
Genre: Religious/Inspirational

To see a sample video click on the picture

Never Give Up is a series of programs consisting of the sermons of Father James Mifsud, S.M., pastor of Queen of Apostles Church in San Jose. These programs consist of Father Jim’s Sunday and weekday sermons, as well as special topics, such as reconciliation, grieving, marriage, talks to teens, and Lenten and Advent talks.

Father Jim has been a teacher and counselor at Mitty High School in San Jose as well as a missionary in Korea for 13 years. He is well known for his inspirational talks to students in various area high schools, to numerous professional sporting groups, senior groups and anyone in need of a positive approach to their spiritual life.

Some of Father Jim’s talks may be viewed at the church’s website.

Check out our website!

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Show: New Tang Dynasty TV
Producer: Linn Liu
Genre: Informational / Cultural

Chinese culture, news, interviews, and more!

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Show: On The Move
Producer: Jeanne Yeager
Genre: Empowerment/Informational

To see a sample video click on the picture

Coming to you by Able Cable Productions, On the Move, is an all-volunteer video series produced by, for, and about people with physical challenges, to enlighten, educate, entertain, and enhance the self-esteem of the physically challenged viewers and their friends, and also provide the general public with an awareness of the heart and vitality of the disabled community. Able Cable Productions is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, and is funded entirely by contributions. On the Move has been in production for 15 years. Currently, there are a total of 246 shows, which are now available through the Public Access Cable channels at different Access Stations.

For more information, call (408) 720-8069, email: ablecable.attbi.com.

Check out our website!

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Show: On the Town
Producer: Judy Joseph
Genre: Talk Show/Entertainment

Get out on the town and explore your local community and its cultural events.

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Show: Planning Commission Meeting, 2nd and 4th Wednesday, Monthly
Producer: City of Saratoga
Genre: Government Meetings, City of Saratoga

Live television coverage of City Planning Commission deliberations.

SCHEDULE: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Will air on KSAR15 the following Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 p.m.

VHS and DVD Copies of the meetings are available at the Saratoga City Library for ?check out? at no cost. Copies are available for a limited time period - ?2 weeks? after the meetings have transpired.

Check out our website!

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Show: Present!
Producer: Mel Van Dusen
Genre: Informational/Talk Show

Present! explores creativity and spirituality through interviews with people who are persuing their unique talent.

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Show: Reference Point
Producer: David Kocharhook
Genre: Variety Talk Show

Variety Talk Show

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Show: Saratoga Highlights

Saratoga newsmagazine
See a sample!

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Show: Saratoga Highlights

Saratoga newsmagazine

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Show: Square Dance Live
Producer: Charles Class
Genre: Entertainment

This series promotes Square Dancing, America's Folk Dance. The shows are videotaped in a television studio and supplemented with video taken on location at Square Dances. Our goal is to attract new and former dancers to this hobby.

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Show: Supreme Master Ching Hai
Producer: Aiely Liao

Oranization of Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association

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Show: SUSD

Various speakers leading group discussions in relation to the educational system and how to improve relationships with your children/students.

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Show: Swara Lahari (8:30am not 9:00am)
Genre: Cultural/Entertainment program

Indian Classical Music

Airtime is Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 a.m. (not 9:00 a.m.)

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Show: TalkinTravel with Ruth and Rich
Producer: Rich Carlson
Genre: Travel

Explore the many vacation spots of the world...from Australia to Spain to Croatia...Enjoy the sites and hear stories from Ruth, Rich and their guests from each culture.

Check out our website!

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Show: The Better Part
Producer: Ernir Piini
Genre: Informational / Retirement Community and Seniors

To see a sample video click on the picture

The Better Part is a weekly 30-minute TV Program created by local seniors to meet the needs and interests of local seniors and others. Over 700 programs have aired since the programs inception in 1983. Programs vary from seniors on the ball with activities to updated health care and medical issues.

Check out our website!

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Show: The Car Guy Channel
Producer: Mike Hennessy
Genre: Entertainment

Topics related to cars, car shows, auctions, building cars, etc...

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Show: You're Hired
Producer: Steve Piazzale
Genre: Informational / Talk Show

A jobs and careers show for Bay Area job-seekers and employees, produced and hosted by Career/Life Coach Steve Piazzale, a Stanford Ph.D. It explores job hunting and career development, including accessing the hidden job market, learning from industry experts, hearing inspiring stories, getting up to date on networking, interviewing, resumes and positive approaches to getting that next job you want and deserve.

Check out our website!

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